Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Discover The Amazing Truth About Real Magic Spells, And How You Can Achieve Everything You've Ever Wanted...

Love, Money, Power, Success...

Monday, July 20, 2015


Witchcraft or Wicca is a pagan religion--a religion of nature.
Learn to derive strength from the earth, sun, moon and stars.
Learn to be still, calm and quiet and hear the voice of God and Goddess when they call you.
Since witchcraft is the religion of nature, it would do you much good to directly go into the lap of nature to experience its feel, to read books from brooks and sermons in stones. Watch the flight of birds through the glorious sunrises and sunsets across the mountains and seas. Look with wonder at the earth and sky, which are the bodies of the God and Goddess.
Now take a notebook and write down why you want to become a witch.
How do you visualize the God and Goddess?

Be honest. Later on this notebook shall become your Book of Shadows.

Sunday, July 19, 2015




Discover How to Reveal the Ancient, Hidden Secrets of the Tarot---- Even If You've Failed Before

The origins of the Tarot are veiled in the mists of history. The cards reflect the deepest aspects of human experience and offer amazing insights to those who gain the skill to read them. Like any other skill, it takes study and experience to master the mysteries of the Tarot

The Mysterious Tarot Can Show You The Path To Great Relationships, Jobs, and Even Wealth
Stacey Rena
Creator of
Tarot Card Reading Secrets

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


How to Perform a Cleaning Ritual
It's a good idea to cleanse the psychic energy of your living space when you first move to a new place and a few times throughout the year. If you or someone you know is having difficulty in some area of their life, or had a traumatic or unsettling incident occur in their home, a cleansing can also be beneficial.


·         Get rid of clutter. Clutter is one of the major offenders when it comes to blocked or sluggish energy in your home. Recycle that collection of old newspapers and magazines (and consider cancelling subscriptions), clean out your closets and drawers (get rid of anything you haven't worn or used for more than a year), and weed through your collection of books, music, and other media.

·         Clean the place thoroughly. Dust and dirt have an effect on the psyche. Break out the vacuum cleaner, the broom, the dustpan, and the mop!
·         If you have just moved to a new home that has a bad aura or a very negative feel, wash any wood surfaces and floors with mild witch hazel diluted with water: 10 to 1 mix.

·         Move in a circular motion through your home. Now that you've gotten rid of your clutter, it should be easier to clean the floors -- always a good starting point for a thorough housecleaning. You may choose to move in either a clockwise (deosil) or counter-clockwise (widdershins) direction through your home. If you move clockwise, concentrate on bringing in lightness, peace, clarity, serenity, prosperity, or whatever positive energy you wish for into your home: the emphasis for this direction is on invoking, or inviting in. If you move counter clockwise, concentrate on banishing dirt, old memories, dustiness, mustiness, and blocked energy: the emphasis is on banishing, or pushing out.

·         Make sure to sweep the doorways and steps of your front and back entrances.

·         Put one of the following into the soapy water you use to mop your floors. If you have carpets, consider making a small mixture and sprinkling or spraying it on the floors after vacuuming. Just a few drops of the essential oils will suffice: Salt (purifying and grounding); Sage essential oil (purifying); Lemon essential oil (gives energy and a clean smell); Patchouli (brings prosperity -- go extra light on this); Pine (brings prosperity and love)

·         Don't forget to wipe down surfaces, clean mirrors, and de-clutter your bureau and desk. If necessary, get a box and place all your old mail and bills in it. You can go through your papers later, but looking at them night and day can be a constant source of stress.
·         Once you've gotten rid of all the dust and clutter and your floors and surfaces are shining and clean, you should already be feeling better. Use one or more of the following methods to clean out any lingering stagnant energy:* Burn white sage and waft the smoke around your house in a counter clockwise motion, banishing old, stuck energy from your home. Always burn herbs with a fire safe container! Ring a bell or a rattle through your home, again in counter clockwise motion. Yell, clap your hands, stamp your feet, and laugh.
·         When you feel that your home has been thoroughly cleansed, say in a strong, clear voice, "My home is cleared of all negative energy. Let it be a place of peace, serenity, love, and prosperity."

·         Seal your home against negative energies by doing one or more of the following:
·         Using a wand, sketch a pentacle in the invoking direction at each of your home's entrances (windows, doors, etc). Don't forget the door to the basement or garage!
·         Sprinkle salt water around the outside walls of your home.
·         Place a penny (right side up) in each of the outside corners of your home.
·         Place a protective symbol--such as a mirror, a household god, or a broom - at or near your front and back doors. It's best to use the symbol most closely aligned with your own ethnic heritage.

I place a symbol of happiness/spiritual at each entrance into the house
"Let no sadness come through this door, Let no trouble come to this dwelling, Let no fear come through this door, Let no conflict be in this place, Let this home be filled with the blessing of joy, and peace."
Light the sage.
After a good cleaning, choose a time when the energy is low, usually an early evening. Usually 2 or more people should be present. Only positive energy is allowed during cleansing. Children and pets should be removed.
If others are joining you in the ceremony they must participate with you in kind. Do not permit negativity or scepticism to cloud this ritual.
Envision the space within you and around you filled with light, a protective, healing and positive light. Think of the light as a shield against dark forces and negative energy. Send up a prayer asking for what you wish to accomplish with the ceremony (e.g. cleansing, harmony, protection, purification of self and/or space, healing, blessing a new home).
As the smoke begins to lift, gently circle your hands through the smoke toward you and around you. Then, slowly carry the smudge to every part of the room, ensuring the smoke reaches every corner. Be sure to allow the smoke to trace around the edges of the walls and particularly around the frames of doors and windows; criss-cross the threshold.
While you do this, keep your mind centered on positive thoughts and energy. Focus on what you seek with this ritual. You may recite a special prayer or mantra to assist.
When you have completed the ritual remove the smudge from the room and carefully extinguish what is left.

If you have a smudge stick with remaining length, save it for future use. Or, if you have a fireplace, you may allow any remaining loose sage or the end of a smudge stick to completely burn out there.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 16, 2014 Full Moon

Last of the season’s three full moons
MARCH 16, 2014

March 16, 2014 –This March full moon is the third of 2014. It’s the Northern Hemisphere’s final full moon of winter and the Southern Hemisphere’s final full moon of summer.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we often call this full moon the Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Worm Moon or Lenten Moon. For the Southern Hemisphere, this March full moon is the Harvest Moon – the closest full moon to the autumn equinox.

The upcoming equinox will take place on March 20, 2014. It’s the spring equinox for the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn equinox south of the equator.

No matter where you live worldwide, Earth’s shadow won’t diminish the light of the March 2014 full moon!

What is the Harvest moon?

The harvest moon is named for the full moon nearest to Mabon, bright enough to allow farmers to work late into the night bringing in the final harvest of the year. This moon is celebrated across many cultures using different names: Other names for this moon are the Wine Moon, the Elk Call Moon and the Singing Moon.

Why do Wiccans Celebrate the Harvest moon?

For Wiccans, it is an especially powerful time for our spell work. The full moon itself represents the Goddess at her most fertile, luminous self. It is the perfect time for creating change. After the contemplative holiday of Mabon, you have reached deep into yourself and sorted through your own strengths and weaknesses. You know where you want to see change and now is the time to prepare for that. Creating moon magic is always strongest at midnight. You would want to time your spell to start at this time. No matter how long you plan your ritual for, the starting point is the most important one. You can simply honour your deity(s) with a small ritual or create something more elaborate but for the most effect, start at midnight.

How to the Harvest moon?

From simple to elaborate, celebrating the harvest moon is part of clearing the clutter in both your mind and personal life. Since thoughts are turning to the comforts of home as the cold weather arrives, think of ways to bring your ritual into the area where your comforts come from in your home.

Honour Demeter, Goddess of the bountiful harvest with gifts from your garden like a pumpkin, include something green since harvesting means herbs as well as food. In keeping with the idea of balance, you can also honour a God at Harvest moon.

As the wheel turns

Celebrating Mabon and Harvest moon is an important part of celebrating the wheel of the year. It is a natural transition towards the winter season and new year.

Take the time to make a small altar and focus your energy on creating the changes that make your life more balanced.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Matronalia ~ Festival of Woman

In ancient Roman religion, the Matronalia (or Matronales Feriae) was a festival celebrating Juno Lucina, the goddess of childbirth ("Juno who brings children into the light"), and of motherhood (mater is "mother" in Latin) and women in general. In the original Roman calendar traditionally thought to have been established by Romulus, it was the first day of  March (Martius), the month of Mars, it was also the Feriae Martis.

The date of the festival was associated with the dedication of a temple to Juno Lucina on the Esquiline Hill circa 268 BCE, and possibly also a commemoration of the peace between the Romans and the Sabines.

On the day, women would participate in rituals at the temple, although the details have not been preserved other than the observation that they wore their hair loose, and were not allowed to wear belts or to knot their clothing in any place.

At home, women received gifts from their husbands and daughters. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014




The broom stick was an important fixture in ancient homes. Most homes were made of wood, straw and dirt floors. The only way to keep a home clean was to sweep out the old.

One of the earliest forms of the broom is known as the Besom Broom. They were made of twigs tied to a handle. The bristles can be made of various materials such as straw, herbs, or twigs. The shaft is round to represent the branch of a tree. This associates the broom with the Tree of Life which was an important symbol in ancient pagan Europe.

These brooms were often found just inside a dwelling hanging with bristles up to ward off evil spirits, negative energies and to protect the home and all who dwell within it. It could also be found hanging over a door with the bristles facing in the direction of opening of the door.

The brooms relation to sweeping away negative energies and use for protection makes it a wonderful tool for magical practices and rituals.


The traditional Witch's Broom is made of an ash handle and bristles from birch twigs. The twigs are tied onto the handle with thin pieces of willow wood. There have been a few written accounts of early Witch's decorating their brooms with flowers of the season tied on with some type of decorative string or later using coloured ribbon. A practice that is continued today by modern Witches.

Early Celtic pagans associated the broom with Faeries, possibly because of its relation to the wood and a common belief in forest sprites. Some stories tell of a Witch entering a forest and asking the Faeries to lead her way to the perfect tree where she can collect a staff for a broom. The idea is to enlist the help of the magical folk and ensure the enchantment of the broom once it has been fashioned.

The Witch's broom is one of the few tools that are seen as a balance of Divine forces. It is both part of masculine energies (the phallic handle) and female energies (the bristles). Because of this, the broom was and still is commonly used in Hand fasting rituals (marriage ceremonies). It is also used as a gate or door before a ritual space. A witch draws a magical circle, enters the circle and then places the broom over the doorway to keep out unwanted energies or people as an example.

While being used for clearing an area for ritual work was the earliest use for a broom, it became an important tool for Witch's during The Burning Times of Europe. During this era Witches would use a broom to hide one of their most important tools, the wand. It is also a tradition that brooms have been used by some as receptacles to harbour a particular spirit temporarily. This could be done to remove an unwanted spirit from one area and then release it far away in another place. Or it could be used to utilize the energy of a spirit for a specific spell when the broom is used as a wand.

A few ancient brooms have been discovered to have hidden compartments in the handle. These small hidden places held combinations of herbs, oils, feathers and a variety of other things thought to be part of a ritualistic spell. The hidden concoctions added to the energy of the intent that the broom was to be used for.